Sunday, 25 November 2012

The Vacuum Killers: Somniforte

work in progress

choreography&video by Danai Pappa
music by Andriana Minou

Monday, 5 November 2012

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Brioche Dynasty

                                                         Short film created by Evi Minou
                                                         Song created and performed by Andriana Minou
                                                         Summer 2012

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Getting un-used to you

text for "Ignored Manuals", a set of songs by Thanasis Deligiannis

Getting un-used to you
I pretend I don’t remember
How beautifully you open wine bottles
How you fall asleep watching Hitchcock
How I become a string quartet when you’re in the shower
How you look as if you see when you look
I pretend I don’t remember
That I am too scared to be lonely
Too lonely to be scared
That I’m a neurotic super-hero                                                              That I must be lapidated
That I must be desecrated                                               That I’m another neurotic super-hero
That I remember
I dismember
I surrender
I engender
I un-gender
I pretend I don’t remember
How much I understand
How little I understand
How far I understand
How close I understand
How deep I understand
How high I think
How low I feel
How seriously
How ridiculously
I miss
How crammed I am
With this little
With this huge
With this blue
Piece of love
That you gave me

Monday, 8 October 2012

Ludwig van

day and night, I cough and cough, but don't let that put you off

I don't think I would be deaf, if you were my treble clef

Snapshots from the performance of Mauricio Kagel's "Ludwig van"

(A performance created by Nikos Stavlas&Andriana Minou)
June 2011 - video by AnnaMaria Pinaka
Andriana Minou&Nikos Stavlas

                                                Video of the performance



Wednesday, 27 June 2012

19 Waltzes

Video by Alexis Ioannou
Music by Wolfgang Rihm
Script by Andriana Minou
Starring Danae Zafrana & Alexandros Zafranas
Post-production by Yiotis Vrantzas
Piano four-hands by Vladimir&Estragon Piano Duo

Saturday, 2 June 2012

Oiseaux Bizarres Ensemble - Anaparastasis III: The Pianist

                                                                      Live Performance at Sonorities Festival 2012 - Belfast

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Δεσποινίς ΑντίγιαΩμέγα-Miss InsteadofOmega

 Από την ποιητική συλλογή
«Γενικές Δοκιμές της δεσποινίδος ΑντίγιαΩμέγα (μια τράπουλα)»
(βραχεία λίστα στο διαγωνισμό ποίησης "Κάτια Γρηγορίου-Θεοχαράκη")

17. τα παιδικά χρόνια της δεσποινίδος ΑντίγιαΩμέγα

Η Σύλβια Πλαθ έβαλε το κεφάλι της στο φούρνο. Δεν μπορώ να σταματήσω να το σκέφτομαι αυτό σήμερα. Όταν ήμουν μικρή και διάβασα τη βιογραφία της, δεν ήξερα ότι υπήρχαν φούρνοι που δουλεύουν με γκάζι. Νόμιζα ότι η Σύλβια ξύπνησε το πρωί ελαφρώς εκνευρισμένη, έστειλε τα παιδιά στο σχολείο με το κολατσιό τους, και πριν ακόμα πιει καφέ, έκοψε το κεφάλι της, το έβαλε στο φούρνο με πατατούλες, ρίγανη, μουστάρδα, το σιγοέψησε στους 180° για κανένα δίωρο, και το σέρβιρε για μεσημεριανό στον κουρασμένο άντρα της μόλις γύρισε από τη δουλειά. «Μια τρίχα στο φαγητό», είπε ο Τεντ. Η Σύλβια όμως δεν είχε πλέον αυτιά για να τον ακούσει. Η συνταγή είχε πετύχει.

 From the poetry collection
"Miss InsteadofOmega's General Rehearsals (a pack of cards)"
(shortlisted in the Katia Grigoriou-Theoharaki Poetry Competition)

17. Miss InsteadofOmega: the childhood years

Sylvia Plath stuck her head in the oven. I just can’t stop thinking about this today. When I was younger and I read her biography, I didn’t know there were ovens that work with gas. I thought Sylvia woke up slightly upset that morning, sent the kids to school with their packed lunch, and, before even having a coffee, she chopped off her head, stuck it in the oven with potatoes, oregano and mustard, she slow-roasted it at 180° for a couple of hours, and served it for lunch to her tired husband, who had just come back from work. “There’s a hair in my food”, said Ted. But Sylvia had no ears to hear him anymore. The recipe was a success after all.

Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Brighton Fringe Festival 2012

     Performing "Twister" with Polly Hewett at St Andrew's Church on 5/5/2012

Saturday, 7 April 2012

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Anaparastasis III: The Pianist

Performance of Anaparastasis III - The Pianist by Jani Christou. 
Goldsmiths, University of London. 29/06/2010

Soloist: Andriana Minou
Conductor: Thanasis Deligiannis
Oiseaux Bizarres Ensemble: Sophie Baltatzi, Erik Dippenaar, Beatrix Graf, Marta Goncalves, Polly Hewett, Angelina Kartsaki, Eirini Kartsaki, Elektra Miliadou, Haris Saslis, Nikos Stavlas
Technical Support: Manolis Benetos

Wednesday, 28 March 2012

Oiseaux Bizarres Ensemble

  In Belfast before performing Anaparastasis III: The Pianist at Sonorities Festival
  Haris Saslis, Nikos Stavlas, Eirini Kartsaki, Angelina Kartsaki, Artemis Ignatidou, 
  Danai Pappa, Andriana Minou, Manolis Benetos, Thanasis Deligiannis and Danai Bletsa

Vladimir&Estragon Piano Duo

 "Hesitation Tango" by Samuel Barber


Song of/for the stranger


A little video made by my little sister for my little song